Influence of Low-Permeability Layers on the Installation and the Response to Vertical Cyclic Loading of Suction Caissons M. Stapelfeldt, B. Bienen, J. Grabe, 2021, In: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147
Pile response to multi-directional lateral loading using P–y curves approach A. Lovera, S. Ghabezloo, J. Sulem, M. Randolph, M. Kham, E. Palix, 2021, In: Geotechnique, 71, p. 288-298
Influence of stress history on undrained cyclic shear strength evolution F. Sahdi, J. Tom Jr, Z. Hou, F. Bransby, C. Gaudin, P. Watson, 2021, In: Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 59, p. 1020-1032
Effects of Monopile Installation on Subsequent Lateral Response in Sand. I S. Fan, B. Bienen, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147
A data-driven approach for predicting the time-dependent settlement of embankments on soft soils J. Doherty, M. Bransby, 2021, In: Geotechnique, 71, p. 1014-1027
Insights into the suction caisson installation utilising the material point method M. Stapelfeldt, B. Bienen, J. Grabe, 2021, Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics:, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG , 1, p. 802-809, (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering)
Effects of Monopile Installation on Subsequent Lateral Response in Sand. II S. Fan, B. Bienen, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147
Large deformation coupled analysis of embedded pipeline – Soil lateral interaction X. Dong, W. Zhang, H. Shiri, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Marine Structures, 78
Proceedings of the 2nd Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering – Sustainable Energy and Marine Planning. D. Huynh, A. Tang, D. Doan, P. Watson, 2021, (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering)
Evaluating the penetration resistance of spudcan foundations in clay overlying sand Y. Wang, M. Cassidy, B. Bienen, 2021, In: International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 31, p. 243-253
Centrifuge modelling of pipe-soil interaction in clay with crust layer Z. Hou, F. Sahdi, C. Gaudin, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Marine Structures, 75
Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations A. Barari, B. Bienen, D. Lombardi, S. Sassa, 2021, In: Soils and Foundations, 61, p. 621-622
Solutions for downslope pipeline walking on a seabed with a peaky trilinear soil resistance model A. Castelo, D. White, Y. Tian, 2021, In: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 143
Behavior of a Monopod Bucket Foundation Subjected to Combined Moment and Horizontal Loads in Silty Sand Y. Choo, D. Kim, J. Youn, M. Hossain, J. Seo, J. Kim, 2021, In: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147
A complete analytical solution for axial pipeline walking considering seabed resistance as rigid plastic behaviour Y. Tian, W. Wu, M. Cassidy, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Geotechnique, 72, p. 810-824
Upslope Failure Mechanisms and Criteria in Submarine Landslides W. Zhang, B. Klein, M. Randolph, A. Puzrin, 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126
The influence of pipeline-backfill-trench interaction on the lateral soil resistance X. Dong, H. Shiri, W. Zhang, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Computers and Geotechnics, 137
Towards a simple and reliable method for calculating uplift capacity of plate anchors in sand A. Roy, S. Chow, C. O’loughlin, M. Randolph, 2021, In: Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58, p. 1314-1333
Failure envelope of suction caisson anchors subjected to combined loadings in sand L. Cheng, M. Hossain, Y. Hu, Y. Kim, S. Ullah, 2021, In: Applied Ocean Research, 114
A macro-element model for predicting the combined load behaviour of spudcan foundations in clay overlying sand Y. Wang, M. Cassidy, B. Bienen, 2021, In: Geotechnique, 73, p. 281-293